dogpile Core#

dogpile provides a locking interface around a “value creation” and “value retrieval” pair of functions.

Changed in version 0.6.0: The dogpile package encapsulates the functionality that was previously provided by the separate dogpile.core package.

The primary interface is the Lock object, which provides for the invocation of the creation function by only one thread and/or process at a time, deferring all other threads/processes to the “value retrieval” function until the single creation thread is completed.

Do I Need to Learn the dogpile Core API Directly?#

It’s anticipated that most users of dogpile will be using it indirectly via the dogpile.cache caching front-end. If you fall into this category, then the short answer is no.

Using the core dogpile APIs described here directly implies you’re building your own resource-usage system outside, or in addition to, the one dogpile.cache provides.

Rudimentary Usage#

The primary API dogpile provides is the Lock object. This object allows for functions that provide mutexing, value creation, as well as value retrieval.

An example usage is as follows:

from dogpile import Lock, NeedRegenerationException
import threading
import time

# store a reference to a "resource", some
# object that is expensive to create.
the_resource = [None]

def some_creation_function():
    # call a value creation function
    value = create_some_resource()

    # get creationtime using time.time()
    creationtime = time.time()

    # keep track of the value and creation time in the "cache"
    the_resource[0] = tup = (value, creationtime)

    # return the tuple of (value, creationtime)
    return tup

def retrieve_resource():
    # function that retrieves the resource and
    # creation time.

    # if no resource, then raise NeedRegenerationException
    if the_resource[0] is None:
        raise NeedRegenerationException()

    # else return the tuple of (value, creationtime)
    return the_resource[0]

# a mutex, which needs here to be shared across all invocations
# of this particular creation function
mutex = threading.Lock()

with Lock(mutex, some_creation_function, retrieve_resource, 3600) as value:
      # some function that uses
      # the resource.  Won't reach
      # here until some_creation_function()
      # has completed at least once.

Above, some_creation_function() will be called when Lock is first invoked as a context manager. The value returned by this function is then passed into the with block, where it can be used by application code. Concurrent threads which call Lock during this initial period will be blocked until some_creation_function() completes.

Once the creation function has completed successfully the first time, new calls to Lock will call retrieve_resource() in order to get the current cached value as well as its creation time; if the creation time is older than the current time minus an expiration time of 3600, then some_creation_function() will be called again, but only by one thread/process, using the given mutex object as a source of synchronization. Concurrent threads/processes which call Lock during this period will fall through, and not be blocked; instead, the “stale” value just returned by retrieve_resource() will continue to be returned until the creation function has finished.

The Lock API is designed to work with simple cache backends like Memcached. It addresses such issues as:

  • Values can disappear from the cache at any time, before our expiration time is reached. The NeedRegenerationException class is used to alert the Lock object that a value needs regeneration ahead of the usual expiration time.

  • There’s no function in a Memcached-like system to “check” for a key without actually retrieving it. The usage of the retrieve_resource() function allows that we check for an existing key and also return the existing value, if any, at the same time, without the need for two separate round trips.

  • The “creation” function used by Lock is expected to store the newly created value in the cache, as well as to return it. This is also more efficient than using two separate round trips to separately store, and re-retrieve, the object.

Example: Using dogpile directly for Caching#

The following example approximates Beaker’s “cache decoration” function, to decorate any function and store the value in Memcached. Note that normally, we’d just use dogpile.cache here, however for the purposes of example, we’ll illustrate how the Lock object is used directly.

We create a Python decorator function called cached() which will provide caching for the output of a single function. It’s given the “key” which we’d like to use in Memcached, and internally it makes usage of Lock, along with a thread based mutex (we’ll see a distributed mutex in the next section):

import pylibmc
import threading
import time
from dogpile import Lock, NeedRegenerationException

mc_pool = pylibmc.ThreadMappedPool(pylibmc.Client("localhost"))

def cached(key, expiration_time):
    """A decorator that will cache the return value of a function
    in memcached given a key."""

    mutex = threading.Lock()

    def get_value():
         with mc_pool.reserve() as mc:
            value_plus_time = mc.get(key)
            if value_plus_time is None:
                raise NeedRegenerationException()
            # return a tuple (value, createdtime)
            return value_plus_time

    def decorate(fn):
        def gen_cached():
            value = fn()
            with mc_pool.reserve() as mc:
                # create a tuple (value, createdtime)
                value_plus_time = (value, time.time())
                mc.put(key, value_plus_time)
            return value_plus_time

        def invoke():
            with Lock(mutex, gen_cached, get_value, expiration_time) as value:
                return value
        return invoke

    return decorate

Using the above, we can decorate any function as:

@cached("some key", 3600)
def generate_my_expensive_value():
    return slow_database.lookup("stuff")

The Lock object will ensure that only one thread at a time performs slow_database.lookup(), and only every 3600 seconds, unless Memcached has removed the value, in which case it will be called again as needed.

In particular, dogpile.core’s system allows us to call the memcached get() function at most once per access, instead of Beaker’s system which calls it twice, and doesn’t make us call get() when we just created the value.

For the mutex object, we keep a threading.Lock object that’s local to the decorated function, rather than using a global lock. This localizes the in-process locking to be local to this one decorated function. In the next section, we’ll see the usage of a cross-process lock that accomplishes this differently.

Using a File or Distributed Lock with Dogpile#

The examples thus far use a threading.Lock() object for synchronization. If our application uses multiple processes, we will want to coordinate creation operations not just on threads, but on some mutex that other processes can access.

In this example we’ll use a file-based lock as provided by the lockfile package, which uses a unix-symlink concept to provide a filesystem-level lock (which also has been made threadsafe). Another strategy may base itself directly off the Unix os.flock() call, or use an NFS-safe file lock like flufl.lock, and still another approach is to lock against a cache server, using a recipe such as that described at Using Memcached as a Distributed Locking Service.

What all of these locking schemes have in common is that unlike the Python threading.Lock object, they all need access to an actual key which acts as the symbol that all processes will coordinate upon. So here, we will also need to create the “mutex” which we pass to Lock using the key argument:

import lockfile
import os
from hashlib import sha1

# ... other imports and setup from the previous example

def cached(key, expiration_time):
    """A decorator that will cache the return value of a function
    in memcached given a key."""

    lock_path = os.path.join("/tmp", "%s.lock" % sha1(key).hexdigest())

    # ... get_value() from the previous example goes here

    def decorate(fn):
        # ... gen_cached() from the previous example goes here

        def invoke():
            # create an ad-hoc FileLock
            mutex = lockfile.FileLock(lock_path)

            with Lock(mutex, gen_cached, get_value, expiration_time) as value:
                return value
        return invoke

    return decorate

For a given key “some_key”, we generate a hex digest of the key, then use lockfile.FileLock() to create a lock against the file /tmp/53def077a4264bd3183d4eb21b1f56f883e1b572.lock. Any number of Lock objects in various processes will now coordinate with each other, using this common filename as the “baton” against which creation of a new value proceeds.

Unlike when we used threading.Lock, the file lock is ultimately locking on a file, so multiple instances of FileLock() will all coordinate on that same file - it’s often the case that file locks that rely upon flock() require non-threaded usage, so a unique filesystem lock per thread is often a good idea in any case.